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Graduate Cluster

Latin American and Caribbean Studies Interdisciplinary Graduate Cluster

The Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) cluster draws on the expertise of more than two dozen Northwestern faculty members from different disciplines. Building on this strong faculty base and on emergent ties to the region, the LACS cluster encourages graduate students to think of familiar questions in unfamiliar ways, and to pose new ones, fostering excellence and innovation within the traditional disciplines and a deeper understanding of the region than students might otherwise achieve.

The LACS cluster is one of the first initiatives in the country to offer a formal structure for interdisciplinary training in Latin American and Caribbean studies. The cluster nurtures a core intellectual community in which affiliated students develop connections with one another and with our exceptionally strong and interdisciplinary faculty. The LACS cluster does this in three specific ways. First, it is built around a curriculum of courses taught in three areas of inquiry, chosen because of their enduring importance. Second, the cluster runs an ongoing faculty and graduate colloquium in which students at all levels present work in progress. Third, the cluster seeks to strengthen ties between Northwestern and partner institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean to promote graduate and faculty research and exchange. In addition, the LACS cluster makes research and travel funds available to participating graduate students on a competitive basis.

There are many ways for faculty and students to participate in the intellectual life of the cluster. Several cluster events, such as visiting lecturers, conferences, and film screenings, are open to all members of the University. Cluster seminars are open to graduate students across the University. We encourage all students, faculty and staff of Northwestern to learn more about our research and activities by participating in our public events.

Current graduate students interested in participating in this cluster should explore the TGS site or contact Professor Mark Hauser Professor Hauser is available for office hours by appointment to talk about courses, grants, and long-term plans. Just send a request via email.